Air Jordan 4 Retro White Oreo Cleaning

Dope Street Shoes is dedicated to providing the best possible cleaning, restoration and accessories for sneakerfreaks by sneakerfreaks. Our team of experts have extensive knowledge of sneakers and have founded our business on providing high-quality service that exceeds expectations.

"dope street is one of those hidden gems that every sneakerhead should kno about. Right off the bat you can tell that this place knows what ther doing because of the selection and the consignments. There not just about looks they really know how to clean your shoes and restore them to likenew condition. The process was top notch I highly recommend dope street shoes." - J Taten

Dope Street Shoes uses the same process to clean and restore sneakers as industry leaders. Dope Street Shoes uses premier industry cleaners and authentic brand materials. Dope Street Shoes trains with industry leading innovators. And we live the sneakerhead lifestyle.

Dope Street Shoes recently cleaned up these beautiful Air Jordan Jordan 4's Retro White Oreo. Released July 3rd of 2021 for a retail of $190 these amazing kicks climbed a street value of nearly $900. For the customer lucky enough to own this special pair of sneakers we took special care to restore them to their brighter than light whites.

Look for Dope Street Shoes in the back of Everything Ellum at 2715 Main Street Dallas, TX 75226.

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AJ 4 Retro Oreo White Front Before

AJ 4 Retro Oreo White Front After

AJ 4 Retro Oreo White Stain Before

AJ 4 Retro Oreo White Toe Stain Before

AJ 4 Retro Oreo White Sides Toe After

AJ 4 Retro Oreo White Sole Before

AJ 4 Retro Oreo White Sole After

Sneaker Cleaning and Restoration

• Basic Wash
• Deep Clean
• So Fresh and So Clean
• Hazard Waste
• Add Ons

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